All posts filed under “Consumer rights

Behaviour shaping round-up

Image from Cockeyed.comFar Side image from Curious Shopper blogImage from Russell Davies' blog

The legendary Rob Cockerham looks at the Point of Sale Trail in Fry’s Electronics, Sacramento. Shoppers queuing for the checkouts are routed through a maze of aisles densely packed with impulse products: “At any point in the line, approximately 280 different products are within view, and 38 are within reach.” Pule.

Sara Cantor discusses techniques for encouraging/persuading/forcing people to wash their hands after using the toilet, from polite reminders to ‘social influencing’ (sinks in full view of a restaurant, for example). Very interesting post and comments.

Russell Davies notes the “embedded assumptions” in the design of some task-specific stationery: “You can be as forward thinking and media-neutral as you like but you can’t fight the assumptions you’ve built into the fabric of things.” (Thanks to David Bausola for sending me this!)