Interesting writing, but the Issuu interface is completely unusable.
"Much of our research started out as an attempt to understand the similarities and differences to what we already knew in order to create products and services that are more in tune with local markets. But increasingly we've had our eyes opened to the sheer ingenuity of people who figure out ways of doing a lot with very little — highly relevant for a planet having to make stark choices about sparse resources."
Dan Goldstein & Nassim Nicholas Taleb. "We make the distinction between "ecological" uncertainty, i.e., the type of uncertainty we witness in the real world, and the "ludic" randomness, the one in games and in laboratory setups. A series of experiments… aim, simply, at uncovering and cataloguing consequential errors that enter real-world decision making. In other words, errors that matter for real-life."
"The implication is that all (or most) professional training results to some extent in a distortion of the way the professional views the world. "When you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail"."
"Decision research in Marketing, Psychology, Economics, Medicine, Law, Management, Public Policy & Computer Science". We need to add "Interaction Design" to that list.
"The idea of usability being fundamentally different than persuasion is deliberately artificial." Interesting to see another different approach to persuasion and design. I think John's "Design Guided Paths" description best matches what I'm investigating here.
"Indeed, after a few days of research we found out that the track wasn’t leaked by pirates, but by Josh Klemme, the manager of the band."
"A blog about how we might feel tomorrow."